A Letter From LifeWorks Chief Executive Officer, Susan McDowell
Photo by Amber Vickery Photography
I hope you are well and safe.
During this very uncertain time, we at LifeWorks are focused on caring for our youth, particularly youth experiencing homelessness who are unsheltered, economically fragile, and vulnerable to trauma.
Services have been impacted by the restrictions on the number of people allowed to gather at a time. Our people and services are on the front line of crisis support for youth and families, and we are finding new ways to connect virtually. Providing essential mental health services to youth experiencing homelessness is critical.
Our work cannot stop. We will continue to deliver housing, workforce and emotional support to hundreds of youth experiencing homelessness. We are implementing additional practices to protect our staff and youth living in our shelters and transitional living programs from COVID-19.
As we look at the weeks and months to come, LifeWorks will be called upon to scale our services and increase our capacity to shelter youth as quickly as possible.
Critical times call for tenacity and creativity. Your support of LifeWorks today will help us navigate a new era in human compassion during a pandemic.
Together, we will get through this and ensure that all youth in Austin Texas have a safe, healthy place to call home.
Be well and be safe.