Emotional Wellness During a Pandemic, Election Season, and Beyond
The pandemic and our uncertain future has created a surge of stress and anxiety across the Austin community. With the holiday season around the corner, addressing emotional wellness is imperative. We sat down with Rob Thurlow, Program Director of Community Based Services at LifeWorks. Rob oversees teams that provide support for individuals and families struggling with issues such as family conflict, abuse, trauma, anxiety, depression, and the stress of everyday life.
How has the pandemic impacted the emotional wellness of LifeWorks clients and the community?
Many clients and community members have been significantly impacted by the pandemic. Some of the impacts have been tangible, in the form of loss of employment, housing, food stability, and transportation. Some of the impacts have been intangible, in the form of anxiety and stress regarding health and basic needs, combined with isolation and loss of social connection.
In addition, many parents are trying to work while providing remote education for their children. Further, increased household stress and isolation have resulted in an increase in domestic violence incidents. The pandemic’s impact has been magnified by the nation’s contentious political climate and social unrest. All these factors, tangible and otherwise, have taken a toll on the emotional wellness and resiliency of our local community.
Have counseling services increased since the beginning of the pandemic?
Demand for services by new clients initially declined when Austin first went into lockdown but increased once the pandemic’s impact began to be felt. Many clients who were already in services when the pandemic arrived experienced crisis and have needed services longer than they might otherwise have.
What services or resources does LifeWorks offer to help improve emotional wellness?
LifeWorks offers multiple resources to improve emotional wellness in the Austin community. Our Youth and Adult Counseling program provide strengths-based, client-centered counseling to youth and their families, individual adults, and couples. Resolution Counseling offers groups that focus on helping adults create and maintain healthy, safe relationships. Community Based Services provides free counseling, peer support, and psychiatric services for youth clients aged 16 to 26.
Why is emotional wellness so important?
Someone can have access to all the resources they desire, yet still be unhappy. Emotional wellness helps build resilience in the face of life’s challenges and recognize and appreciate the resources and opportunities we have.
Why is counseling considered a pillar at LifeWorks?
LifeWorks counseling services are part of Austin’s safety net for people in the community who might otherwise not be able to access the support they need. In addition, LifeWorks is participating in Austin’s initiative to end youth homelessness. Youth need an array of support services to navigate successfully the transition from homelessness to becoming housed and remaining stably housed.
What are some general tips if someone is looking to improve their emotional wellness?
There are many ways people can improve their emotional wellness, even without seeking counseling services. Adequate sleep, nutrition, and exercise benefit not only our physical health, but our emotional well-being. Meaningful, safe social connection and creative activity can contribute to a sense of belonging and purpose. Simple mindfulness activities can help us appreciate ourselves, others, and our surroundings.
For more information on LifeWorks counseling services, visit lifeworksaustin.org/counseling or call 512.735.2400.