Meet Joi Martin


My whole family has been involved with LifeWorks for about 13 years! It all started with my husband, Rich, being on the Board for many years, as well as Board Chair the year LifeWorks broke ground on their East Austin campus. I was first introduced to LifeWorks at the Home Improvement Challenge that they do every year. I was hooked and it’s one of my favorite things to volunteer for every year. I’ve also had the pleasure of being the designer for one of the apartments for several years! When my daughter, Emily, was a junior in high school, I was a Co-Chair for the annual Luncheon with Laura Wieland and our daughters were Jr. Co-Chairs. They organized an "Empower Party" for local high school students and raised $10,000 for LifeWorks. My latest volunteer project that I love is Second Chance Prom and my son, Sam, has volunteered in various roles with me the last few years. I love that we can volunteer as a family for these LifeWorks events, as well as helping with Project Holiday Help and other LifeWorks events throughout the year.


The Importance of Found Families


The Works II